Photographer Run Over By Justin Bieber Has A Message For Him

Photographer Run Over By Justin Bieber Has A Message For Him Maurice 2 Ashotgetter/Instagram
The injured photographer who was mowed down by Justin Bieber’s truck has an upliftingly forgiving attitude.
57-year-old Maurice Lamont had been papping pics of Justin leaving a Beverley Hills church service when the 23-year-old popstar accidently knocked into him.
In all fairness to Justin, he immediately exited his vehicle to look after Maurice until emergency services could get to him.

Photographer Run Over By Justin Bieber Has A Message For Him Maurice 2 Ashotgetter/Instagram
The injured photographer who was mowed down by Justin Bieber’s truck has an upliftingly forgiving attitude.
57-year-old Maurice Lamont had been papping pics of Justin leaving a Beverley Hills church service when the 23-year-old popstar accidently knocked into him.
In all fairness to Justin, he immediately exited his vehicle to look after Maurice until emergency services could get to him.

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